Faith and Spirituality in the Age of Social Media | Conference


27.02.2018 – 19:00

The speakers will reflect on the influence
of Social Media (Internet, Facebook, Twitter…)
on the social and spiritual life of individuals, communities and churches.
How our ways of understanding God and expressing faith changed?
Is there something like Social Media spirituality?

Dr Frank Bosman, a cultural theologian from the Catholic University of Tilburg. Blogger and author of several books about modern spirituality. Member of the editorial staff of the successful Dutch website

Eric van den Berg, communication expert and consultant for online communication issues. Author of several books about Church and Social Media. Founder of the website Regular guest speaker on several radio stations.

Due to National Strike scheduled for tomorrow, which will cause heavy disruptions in public transport and railway; we regret to inform you that our conference will be postponed to April 17th 2018 @19:00

Date / Heure
Date(s) - 27 février 2018

Chapelle de la Résurrection - Chapelle pour l'Europe
rue Van Maerlantstraat 22-24
1040 Etterbeek

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